1. Research activity: inquire students from both regions about their knowledge related to specific issues of EU, namely: health, education, employment, environment, consumers` rights, etc.
  2. The areas in which students show a higher lack of knowledge will be chosen to be the focus of learning communities. In each area a “community leader” (student ) and a tutor ( teacher ) will be chosen. Students and teachers will exchange information, feelings and opinions in a specific blog.
  3. Each year both schools will work on a “transversal subject”: in 2011  “employment” and in 2012 “ intergenerational solidarity”.
  4. School teachers acting as “tutors” of learning communities within the EU citizenship will also be in contact with both regions, learning from each other the best strategy to include the subjects of the project in the school curricula. Thus, learning communities can enhance students` performance both at a personal and an educational level.